We ended up spending about two weeks out in Utah getting to spend time with some of my family and for Brandon to do a little one on one work with his boss. It was a nice break for me from having to work all the time and for Brandon and I to have a nice change of scenery from the normal Maryland landscape.
Went back to Salem Pond where we had our engagements pictures taken almost 3.5 years ago.
We wanted to go up Payson Canyon like we always do every time we go to Utah, but because of a big fire that had just happened it was closed, so we went up Hobble Creek Canyon instead to make up for it.
(A bunch of trees had different initials on it and I jokingly was like find one with our initials and 10 seconds we found one. And if you look closely, you can see the tiniest baby bump back there.)
Family dinner minus one.
And a few random pictures that Brandon took. Whenever we take the camera with us he loves to snap pictures of just about anything. Like our trip to Utah, we took almost three hundred pictures and only five percent are of us. Haha.