- Is a walking baby now. Never crawls anymore.
- Is down to two naps a day now. And then a week after transitioning to two naps a day, has started to do one nap a day sometimes. On the days he has one nap, he is down for the night by seven thirty. And on the days he has two naps, depending on when he has his last nap, the latest he goes down is nine thirty.
- Loves to push things around. Even if it won't move, it doesn't stop him from trying. And if something is small and light enough, loves to just carry it around in either his hand or mouth.
- Has started to fake cry when he doesn't get what he wants.
- Is now in twelve month clothing.
- Is pretty good with going with the flow and adapting to it.
- After three months of teething, FINALLY got four more. Two on the top and two more on the bottom for a total of six.
- Started introducing table foods. Has tried spaghetti, frozen peas, cheerios, french fries, pancakes, and fettuccine alfredo and loves them. Tried eggs and wouldn't even put them in his mouth, couldn't get past the texture.
- If you clap, he will clap back.
- Still HATES getting his diaper changed or getting dressed ninety percent of the time.
- Celebrated his first Thanksgiving. Loved playing with one of Brandon's cousins, William.
- Pooped in the bathtub for the first time the other night.
- Met Santa for the first time and hated it. Haha.
Yes, he is sleeping on the floor of the car. And no, the car isn't moving. It was in park with no one even sitting in the driver's seat.