
Monday, February 17, 2020

Alexander: Month Twelve

  • Loves to chase people and to be chased. 
  • Can now say dada and ball.
  • Eating more and more table foods. Isn't a picky eater thank goodness. Favorite food by far is blueberries. 
  • Is officially down to one nap a day.
  • Loves to share his toys with Izzy.
  • Loves his blankets.
  • Loves to play with my hair. And he makes the funniest face when you rub some on his face.
  • Loves commercials.
  • Loves to watch Blues Clues and You. 
  • Loves to climb all over you if you are laying on the ground. 

Weight: 20lbs 8oz (35th percentile)
Height: 31.5 in (95th percentile)


Thursday, February 13, 2020

Utah 2020

Once again for my mom's Christmas present they flew Alex and I out to celebrate Alex's first birthday together, but this time we also bought Brandon a plane ticket too so he could join us. Flight out was a little rough. Was hoping since it was lined up with bed time that we would fall asleep and stay asleep for the majority of the flight. Sadly he only fell asleep for thirty minutes about two hours in and then for the last ten minutes of the flight. The flight back home was much better. Surprisingly he fell asleep right when we were taking off and slept for about forty minutes and then was up the rest of the time. Less fussiness. He loved interacting with the people in the row behind us. And I know for a fact, without that constant reaction he would of been much worse.

  • Went down to Eprhraim and walked around Snow College were Brandon and I met.
  • Ate lots of Mexican food.
  • Loved to grab Grandma's oxygen cord and try and walk her.
  • Loved to shake his head no at Grandma.
  • Celebrated his first birthday.
  • Loved to play with Hairy and unlike Izzy, Hairy was much more tolerate when he would touch her.
  • Spent lots of time with family. Went to anyone with complete ease ninety-five percent of the time as long as he could see me.
  • Had severe separation anxiety with me. He was fine with anyone as long as he could see me, but as soon as he realized he couldn't see me, it was game over. He wouldn't even go to Brandon. He would scream until I came back. He has some separation anxiety, but has always been okay after a few seconds so having it this bad was a different side of him. 

Monday, February 10, 2020


How in the world do we have a one year old already? This past year we have loved watching you grow and see you come into your personality. You are always on the move. You may act shy at first, but within a minute you have warmed up. You don't like sleeping for long periods of time. You like to tease but also share. You are such a happy and smiley baby, that isn't really a baby anymore.