
Wednesday, November 7, 2018

First Trimester Overview

I figured I might as well document the first trimester since I am almost to the third trimester already.

  • First pregnancy symptoms? 
Extreme nausea that would last all day and was the worst at night.

  • First reaction to finding out? 
I was going on day three of extreme nausea but I didn't think anything of it because I've had stomach issues with the same kind of nausea before that would come every few months and last a few days or so, but I had never seen a doctor about it. I decided to take a test to confirm that I wasn't pregnant so it would convince me to go see a doctor about the nausea issue because I was finally getting tired of dealing with it. So when I saw those two lines pop up I was quite shocked. Haha.

  • How you felt throughout the first trimester? 
Very nauseous that lasted until seventeen weeks. Morning sickness my butt. Also tiredness, but the nausea kicked my butt. If I wasn't at work, I was in bed.

  • Any food cravings or aversions? 
Pizza has been the only craving I have had. I crave it all the time. Even just typing this makes me want pizza. No aversion to anything except for meat sometimes.

  • Any crazy pregnant related emotions? 
Yes. And I felt so bad for Brandon sometimes because he was always around when it happened.

  • How was working during the first trimester? 
Awful. I had to cut back to only working four days week, work mornings/afternoons, and only 5 hour shifts because anything longer wouldn't have ended well. Luckily, I never had to call out or go home early, even though there were a few close calls.

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