
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Alexander's Birth Story

Alexander Matias Ragland
Born at 11:41 AM on February 10
Weighing 6lbs 15oz
20in long

  • On February 9th, my water broke at 11PM. (Story time... I was laying in bed and had been procrastinating getting up to go and pee. At 11, I felt pressure down below which was normal for me, but once the pressure went away, the need to pee was ten times worse. So I got up and rushed to the bathroom. Before I got to the toilet I started to leak a little but I just thought it was pee because I held off on going for so long. It wasn't until I got to the toilet and did my business and realized that it was more than normal did I start thinking something wasn't right.)
  • Got to the hospital around 11:30 and was back in labor and delivery by midnight. (Brandon was down in D.C with a friend so I had the in-laws drive me. Brandon ended up getting there around 1.)
  • Got my epidural at 4:30. 
  • At 6 I was given a low dose of pitocin to help things move a little faster since I was only at a three.
  • Around 9:30 my epidural started to not work as well. So two different times before I started pushing I was given a shot to help with the pain.
  • Only had to push for twenty to thirty minutes before Alexander made his grand appearance almost exactly thirteen hours after my water broke. 

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