
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Alexander: Month Five

  • Got his first tooth on the last day of June. And then got his second one just the other day. 
  • Has mastered going from back to tummy. Still working on tummy to back. 
  • Will roll onto his stomach and then get mad because he can't roll back to his tummy.
  • Loves being in the pool.
  • Loves to sit up and is getting better at sitting up while being supported.
  • Started solids a week ago. Eats rice cereal in the morning and then has a fruit or vegetable in the evening. Has so far tried apples and carrots and likes them both. 
  • Wakes up twice a night to eat. Since starting solids a week ago, he has done a couple of only waking up once. So hopefully he will only wake up once a night more often. 
  • Learned to do raspberries. His favorite time to do it is when he eats. 
  • Moved into three to six month clothing and size three diapers.