- Loves to play with tags.
- Isn't really a fan of rice cereal, but loves the oatmeal kind.
- Favorite food is sweet potatoes, just like his daddy.
- Eats oatmeal in the morning. A fruit for lunch. And then a veggie for dinner.
- Is so close to crawling. Gets up on his knees and hands and will rock back and forth.
- Can sit up without any support.
- Finally learned how to roll from tummy to back and now just log rolls all over the place. Or just scoots himself on his stomach, both forward and backwards.
- Is obsessed with feet.
- Slept through the whole night for the first time. Has only done it once though. Average is up once a night to eat.
- Hates to have his face wiped, especially after a meal.
- Is a total side and stomach sleeper.
- Doesn't fall asleep on his own in the crib, but if you lay him down on the couch or bed, he'll be asleep within ten minutes.
- Transitioned him to his own room right after he turned five months old.
- Started teething again almost a week before he turned six months old. No new teeth yet. Hopefully soon though, so we get our happy baby back.
Weight: 16lbs 7oz (28th percentile)
Height: 27in (66th percentile)
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