
Saturday, December 1, 2018

Second Trimester Overview

  • Any sleep issues? 
Since I hit twenty weeks it has been a struggle. I have always been a stomach sleeper, so learning to sleep on my side has been interesting. Around twenty-two weeks I started getting the occasional insomnia and it usually happens on the nights I have to be up early for work. And add in waking up a couple of times or more a night to pee has been fun.

  • Twenty week anatomy scan? 
I had it right at nineteen weeks and everything looked great. Our next ultrasound won't be until around thirty-two weeks at the end of this month. 

  • Boy or girl?
Baby Ragland is a BOY. From the very start, I always thought it was going to be a boy, so I was happy that I guessed right. Brandon was hoping for a girl and he was so positive that it was going to be a girl, but he is still happy that we are having a boy. 

  • Baby movements? 
I started to feel him around 19 weeks a few days after our ultrasound, but very light movements. From weeks twenty through twenty-three, movements stayed light with the occasional strong movement, but it wasn't until week twenty-four that the light movements turned into stronger movements and have stayed that way since. Brandon has gotten to feel him a several times so far, but usually whenever he puts his hand on my stomach, the baby likes to stop moving. Haha. 

  • Glucose test? 
Took the test at twenty-five weeks and thankfully the drink wasn't bad, people either say they liked it or hated it. To me it just tasted like a flat orange soda. And thankfully I passed and didn't have to take the three hour test.

  • Work update? 
When we got back from Utah I was able to go back to work without any limitation on how long I could work for in a day. The only issue I had was (and still is), to slow it down. I'm so use to always being on the move at work and moving fast that I have to tell myself to slow down and take breaks when I needed to. Even though the majority of my coworkers knew I was pregnant, around twenty two weeks was when they could tell that I was and then around twenty four weeks was when the customers that come in regularly could tell. But sadly during the last week of the second trimester my morning sickness came back so depending on what it does will be the deciding factor on if I need to cut back on some hours again. 

22 weeks.

25 weeks.

28 weeks.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

First Trimester Overview

I figured I might as well document the first trimester since I am almost to the third trimester already.

  • First pregnancy symptoms? 
Extreme nausea that would last all day and was the worst at night.

  • First reaction to finding out? 
I was going on day three of extreme nausea but I didn't think anything of it because I've had stomach issues with the same kind of nausea before that would come every few months and last a few days or so, but I had never seen a doctor about it. I decided to take a test to confirm that I wasn't pregnant so it would convince me to go see a doctor about the nausea issue because I was finally getting tired of dealing with it. So when I saw those two lines pop up I was quite shocked. Haha.

  • How you felt throughout the first trimester? 
Very nauseous that lasted until seventeen weeks. Morning sickness my butt. Also tiredness, but the nausea kicked my butt. If I wasn't at work, I was in bed.

  • Any food cravings or aversions? 
Pizza has been the only craving I have had. I crave it all the time. Even just typing this makes me want pizza. No aversion to anything except for meat sometimes.

  • Any crazy pregnant related emotions? 
Yes. And I felt so bad for Brandon sometimes because he was always around when it happened.

  • How was working during the first trimester? 
Awful. I had to cut back to only working four days week, work mornings/afternoons, and only 5 hour shifts because anything longer wouldn't have ended well. Luckily, I never had to call out or go home early, even though there were a few close calls.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Utah Trip 2018

I have been wanting to get back into blogging for a while because Brandon and I keep saying we want to document our lives better, but I just haven't taken the plunge until now. And what better way to start back up than our trip out to Utah?

We ended up spending about two weeks out in Utah getting to spend time with some of my family and for Brandon to do a little one on one work with his boss. It was a nice break for me from having to work all the time and for Brandon and I to have a nice change of scenery from the normal Maryland landscape.

Went back to Salem Pond where we had our engagements pictures taken almost 3.5 years ago. 

We wanted to go up Payson Canyon like we always do every time we go to Utah, but because of a big fire that had just happened it was closed, so we went up Hobble Creek Canyon instead to make up for it. 
(A bunch of trees had different initials on it and I jokingly was like find one with our initials and 10 seconds we found one. And if you look closely, you can see the tiniest baby bump back there.) 

Family dinner minus one. 

And a few random pictures that Brandon took. Whenever we take the camera with us he loves to snap pictures of just about anything. Like our trip to Utah, we took almost three hundred pictures and only five percent are of us. Haha.