
Monday, March 11, 2019

Alexander: Month One

I can't believe that one month has come and gone already. Here are little snippets that we want to remember...

  • Hates to have lotion put on him.
  • Very gassy, just like his daddy.
  • Loves to sit up and look around.
  • Loves to lay on our chest. 
  • Is overall a very good baby, just fussy when he can't poop. 
  • Loves to grunt and try to poop whenever he eats, which can make feeding him difficult. 
  • Doesn't love it or hate it when it comes to tummy time. Sometimes he can last almost ten minutes, while other times he's done after two minutes.  
  • Eats around two ounces at every feeding. Sleeps for about two hours at a time during the day and for half of the night, with the other half being one hour stretches. 
  •  At a little over three weeks old, he started to outgrow wearing some of the newborn clothes and into zero to three month clothing.
  • Loves to stick his tongue out.
  • Hates to be swaddled because he loves having his hands up by his face. By the end of the first week, we stopped swaddling because he wouldn't sleep as well.  

***I tried to take a cute picture of him with his one month sticker but I couldn't get the lighting right, so I gave up and told myself I will try again when he's two months. Haha.

Weight: 9lbs 11oz
Height: 21.75in

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Third Trimester Overview

Morning sickness?
Came back at 27 weeks and lasted on and off for the remindar of the pregnancy. Thankfully it wasn't as severe from when I had it in the beginning.

Birth plan?
My plan only consisted of one thing and that was to make sure I got an epidural. Haha.

Finally got use to sleeping on my side around 32 weeks, but was still waking up a lot, even if I didn't have to go to the bathroom.

Baby movement?
I really didn't feel him a lot and when I did it was always on both of my sides. At my 32 week ultrasound, I was told I had an anterior placenta and that was the reason I couldn't feel him that well.

32 week growth ultrasound?
Everything looked great still. Was in the 40 percentile for everything. (Thank goodness because I wanted a small baby. Haha.)

Work was a challenge during the holiday season with how busy it was (once or twice I thought work was going to put me into labor because I was always on the move), but afterwards it wasn't that bad since I wasn't doing long shifts anymore and because the craziness from the holiday season was done with. At the beginning of the year I stopped doing cashier shifts because the constant need to move was too much. So on average I was only working three days a week in the morning for five to six hours max. My plan was to go on maternity leave on February 16, but because Alex came two weeks early, I ended up getting an extra week of leave.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Alexander's Birth Story

Alexander Matias Ragland
Born at 11:41 AM on February 10
Weighing 6lbs 15oz
20in long

  • On February 9th, my water broke at 11PM. (Story time... I was laying in bed and had been procrastinating getting up to go and pee. At 11, I felt pressure down below which was normal for me, but once the pressure went away, the need to pee was ten times worse. So I got up and rushed to the bathroom. Before I got to the toilet I started to leak a little but I just thought it was pee because I held off on going for so long. It wasn't until I got to the toilet and did my business and realized that it was more than normal did I start thinking something wasn't right.)
  • Got to the hospital around 11:30 and was back in labor and delivery by midnight. (Brandon was down in D.C with a friend so I had the in-laws drive me. Brandon ended up getting there around 1.)
  • Got my epidural at 4:30. 
  • At 6 I was given a low dose of pitocin to help things move a little faster since I was only at a three.
  • Around 9:30 my epidural started to not work as well. So two different times before I started pushing I was given a shot to help with the pain.
  • Only had to push for twenty to thirty minutes before Alexander made his grand appearance almost exactly thirteen hours after my water broke.